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Research Network Funding

Funding to enable UACES members to establish and develop international networks.

Research Networks (RNs)

UACES Research Networks are intended to bring together UACES members to work on a range of topics that fall under the umbrella of European Studies. Our existing varied Networks highlight the diversity of research taking place within European Studies.

From 2023 onwards, UACES is changing the way in which it manages and funds Research Networks. They will no longer be subject to 3-year time limits and instead will be set up with the intention of continuing their work until either the Network members, or UACES, deems that the time has come to dissolve the group. NB: Any network that has received funding under the previous network scheme will need to re-apply for funding in the same way as new networks.

Deadline 30 Sep 2024


Networks will be granted £2500 of start-up funds to allow them to launch the networks and fund the first year of their activities. This funding must be used within the first 12 months of the network’s existence.

There will be an additional pot of money available to all Research Networks to fund network activities including in-person and virtual events. This pot will have a yearly spending limit and will be allocated via an application and assessment process. Previous funding allocations will be taken into account when assessing applications. Larger networks that include more UACES members will be eligible for larger amounts of funding.

Applications to run networks can be submitted once per year, with a deadline of 30 September. Successful applicants will be informed by mid-November each year. The UACES committee will assess the network proposals. Up to 2 new networks will be selected each year.

UACES welcomes proposals for networks covering any aspect of Contemporary European Studies. To avail of the funding you must be a PhD, Early Career or Individual member of UACES.

You can find out more about the application process and the criteria by downloading the application pack.

Erasmus + Programme

From 2020-2023, the Research Network Funding is available with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Erasmus Plus

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Current Research Networks


Securing Europe



Previous Research Networks (formerly known as CRNs)



CSDP Strategy

EU-China Relations

