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Securing a Future for European Studies

About the project

The project 'Securing a Future for European Studies' (SaFES) is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It helps our members and other European Union studies scholars to undertake new research by providing funding for research network activities and attendance at UACES-organised research conferences.


At its core, this proposal aims to strengthen UACES for the future and sustain its members through a potentially turbulent period for the study of the European Union and its member states.

The project includes three core activities:

  • Strengthening our offerings for postgraduate students through doctoral training academies (DTA) and research conferences
  • UACES Research Network Funding
  • Series of Expert-Led Discussions in Brussels: ‘Ideas on Europe’

Graduate Forum Research Conferences

The UACES Graduate Forum Research conferences provide an opportunity for PhD and Early-Career researchers to present their research in a supportive and collaborative environment. They are a space for innovative ideas to be shared. The Graduate Forum committee takes on the task of running the conferences and invites established scholars to provide feedback to presenters and to present in plenary sessions.

Research Conference 2021

Research Conference 2022

Research Conference 2023



The Doctoral Training Academy is directed to student- and early-career researchers. It delivers important key skills to the participants who are either undertaking PhDs in European Union Studies or are at an early stage in their career as European Union Studies academics.

DTA 2020

DTA (early) 2022

DTA (late) 2022



UACES Research Network Funding

The ethos behind our Research Networks (RNs) is to provide some initial funding to enable researchers to develop networks across a range of institutions, which may perhaps lead to bigger projects and funding from other sources in the future. The networks should be inclusive rather than insular.

UACES Research Network activities include dedicated research meetings and workshops; participation in larger conferences such as the UACES Annual Conference or other relevant events; contributing to the UACES Newsletter and to pursuing other publishing and dissemination opportunities (journals, books, podcasting, blogging).

Find out more


Expert-Led Seminars in Brussels

Due to Covid restrictions, the expert-led seminars took place towards the end of the project, in 2022 and 2023. They covered a range of topics, including the Northern Ireland Protocol, the Brexit Negotiations, Environmental policy and LGBTQ+ rights. They attracted audiences from academia, thinktanks, business and the political sphere.

The UK and Ireland in a Time of Crisis: The Northern Ireland Protocol

Inside the Deal: How the EU got Brexit Done

Achieving Positive Results in Sustainability Transitions

A Union of Equality? The Current State of LGBTQI+ Rights and the EU

Erasmus + Programme

This project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Erasmus+ Logo


The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.