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UACES Annual Conference 2022

5-8 September 2022
Lille, France

Our 52nd Annual Conference

The conference will be a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues and other academics in the historic city of Lille and to reunite with UACES colleagues in person for the first time in many months to discuss topics related to European Studies and Europe. 

This year UACES will be offering the main conference as a three-day in-person event. We will also be running a one-day virtual event on Thursday 8 September, to enable those who cannot travel to Lille to participate and present their work.
There will be two separate registrations on offer – tickets for the virtual event will give you access to the one-day virtual conference as well as to livestreams of the plenary sessions in Lille. In-Person tickets will give you access to both the in-person and virtual events.

On submitting their paper, participants will be expected to indicate whether they wish to present in-person or virtually. Panels for these events will be timetabled separately and as such, UACES can only accept a change to/from in-person to virtual participation if requested before 31 May 2022. We cannot guarantee any requests to change made after this date except in instances where self-isolation or travel bans are imposed requiring virtual participation.

UACES expects all conference participants to adhere to local covid guidance at the time of the event.

Register to attend

CfP is now closed but you can still register as an audience participant. Create an account and follow the steps on conftool.

Create an account

Guidelines and FAQs

There are different price rates, depending on your membership and professional level. Find the list in the FAQs or on Conftool. Please read the terms, conditions and cancellation policy before registering.

Guidelines & FAQs
Read carefully before registration.


The European School of Political and Social Sciences is a multilingual and multicultural school located in Lille, and a member institution of Lille Catholic University. ESPOL offers an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on political careers and international relations. Opened in 2012, ESPOL is dedicated to the study and research of political and social sciences and is directed to students intending to work in politics and Europe.

ESPOL Website

Key dates

Find an overview of key dates from CfP, decision making to conference dates.

27 October 2021

CfP opens

23 January 2022

Call for Paper deadline

May 2022

Early Registrations open

July 2022

Registration Deadline

Mid August 2022

Cancellation Deadline

5 - 8 September 2022


Planning your Stay

Find tips about accommodation, travel and what to do in Lille. 


We recommend planning your stay early as on the weekend before the conference the Grande Braderie De Lille will take place - Lille's annual flea market and one of the most famous events in France.

CARA Donations for Academics at Risk

UACES is offering the option to donate to the work of the Council for At-Risk Academics. When registering for the UACES annual conference in Lille (prices listed below), you can opt-in for a donation to CARA, a charity based in the UK that provides urgently-needed help to academics in immediate danger, those forced into exile, and many who choose to work on in their home countries despite serious risks. UACES will match donations from members up to a total of £1500.

What does it cost?

There are different price rates, depending on your membership and professional level. The list below is provisional and can be subject to change depending on incoming papers. We will issue a rebate of the difference in price to anyone who becomes a UACES member within 10 days of registering for the conference at a non-member rate. Indicated prices exclude VAT.

Early bird rates end 31 May 2022.

Early Members rate (for individual and affiliate members)

€ 170.00 

Early Non-Member Rate

€ 290.00 

Early ECR Member Rate

€ 130.00 

Early ECR Non-Member Rate

€ 205.00 

Early PhD/Student Member Rate

€ 100.00 

Early PhD/Student Non-Member Rate

€ 160.00 

Standard Member Rate (for individual and affiliate members)

€ 185.00 

Standard Non-Member Rate

€ 305.00 

Standard ECR Member Rate

€ 145.00 

Standard ECR Non-Member Rate

€ 220.00 

Standard PhD/Student Member Rate

€ 115.00 

Standard PhD/Student Non-Member Rate

€ 175.00 

What does it cost to attend the virtual day?

The virtual rate gives you access to the virtual stream taking place on 8 September, and a live stream or recording of the plenary sessions taking place in Lille but it does not give you access to any of the other elements of the conference.

Member Rate


Early-Career Member Rate


PhD Resarcher/Student Member Rate


Non-Member Rate


Non-Member Early-career rate


Non Member PhD Researcher/Student Rate


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