Call for Themed Tracks
The UACES conference takes place on 1-4 September 2024 in Trento, Italy. After an extremely successful and vibrant conference in Belfast, we’re looking forward to seeing our members, new and old next year.
At this time, the UACES Annual Conference welcomes expressions of interest to convene a Themed Track during the conference. Themed Tracks will comprise a series of panels on related topics. Themed Tracks can cover any area of European Studies from a wide range of disciplines (eg law, politics, international relations, geography, history, sociology, economics). Themes should be broad enough to encompass a range of disciplinary and methodological approaches.
The UACES committee has already decided to run tracks on the following topics, so these do not need to be proposed by individual members. However, if you are interested in getting involved with the organisation of these tracks, let us know:
Gender & Sexuality
Race & decolonisation
If there are tracks besides these that you would be interested in convening, the call is open until 3 November 2023.
How to submit a Track
In order to submit your expression of interest to convene a track during the conference, please send us a suggested title for your track, a short description of the kind of work you’d hope to see presented and a paragraph outlining your interest/expertise in this area. Send your proposals to with the subject line ‘UACES 2024 Track’.
If your proposal to convene a Track is successful, UACES will coordinate an open Call for Papers and Panels under the theme of your Track, with a deadline of 21 January 2024. Track convenors are encouraged to coordinate submissions from within their own networks but will be expected to be inclusive and open to submissions from across the UACES membership and beyond. Track convenors will assist in the review process for proposals submitted under their track, with oversight and assistance from UACES staff and trustees.
UACES staff will continue to run the registration process and timetabling for the conference but will keep channels of communication open with Track Convenors.
We look forward to receiving your proposals for Tracks by 3 November 2023. We will confirm all Tracks and Convenors by Friday 17 November 2023 at the latest.