Teaching European Union Politics
Why do we teach EU politics? What should EU politics students learn? What are the practical approaches and techniques to teaching EU politics?
Read moreWhy do we teach EU politics? What should EU politics students learn? What are the practical approaches and techniques to teaching EU politics?
Read moreThis timely book investigates the EU’s multi-faceted development as a global actor, unpacking its legal mission to be a ‘good’ actor as well as exploring the complexities of fulfilling this objective. It elicits critical reflections on the question of ‘goodness’ in EU external relations from descriptive, analytical and normative perspectives, and examines which metrics of actorness are useful in tackling this subject.
Read moreAfter the death of Osama Bin Laden and the demise of Al Qaeda, the EU is increasingly threatened by new jihadi terrorist groups such as ISIS, as exemplified by recent terror attacks on Paris, Brussels, Nice, Berlin and Manchester. This book investigates the role of the EU in dealing with such groups as part of its counter-terrorism efforts, by outlining the increasing role of the EU as an external counter-terrorism actor.
Read moreThe book analyses EU foreign policy with Turkey over the last decade by uncovering how its internal functioning and structural context affect the European Union’s decisions. Acknowledging that EU enlargement policy is part of a broader foreign policy framework, which includes also other domains, Elena Baracani adopts a unique approach, combining more actor-oriented factors with structural factors to analyse EU–Turkey Relations at national, multinational and international levels.
Read moreThis insightful book analyzes the evolution of the operational tasks and cooperation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL).
Read moreThe Handbook on the EU and International Trade presents a multidisciplinary overview of the major perspectives, actors and issues in contemporary EU trade relations.
Read moreThis original edited collection brings together insights from EU law, human rights and comparative constitutional law to address this underexplored nexus.
Read moreTimely and engaging, this topical book examines how Brexit is intertwined with the concepts of justice and injustice. The book aims to engage with the methodology, lexicon and explicitness of analytical perspectives in relation to Brexit.
Read moreOffering a wealth of thought-provoking insights, this topical Research Handbook analyses the interplay between the law and politics of the EU and examines the role of law and legal actors in European integration.
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