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UACES Graduate Forum Online Research Conference 2021

PhD and ECRs Conference

Europe in Cha(lle)nging Times

The UACES Graduate Forum Committee hosted the Graduate Forum Online Research Conference 2021 from 17-18 July. 2021 marks new beginnings as Europe and the world are getting to grips with the consequences of 2020, a year like no other. The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted our everyday lives, shifted policy priorities, weakened economies for years to come, limited our freedoms and challenged democratic institutions. Uncertainty and misinformation overload are fuelling populist attitudes in both Europe and the USA. Dramatic events such as the Capitol insurrection or the recent anti-curfew riots in The Netherlands have shown how easily these attitudes can manifest as physical violence. At the same time, the pandemic has reinforced solidarity and humanity across the world. As the EU is attempting to overcome the pandemic in a joint effort, the UK is going its own way after becoming the first country to leave the Union. Travel restrictions, the halt of tourism and a drop in global manufacturing output have highlighted the impact of our pre-Covid lifestyle on the environment and brought about discussions on how best to balance economic and environmental concerns.

Keynote: Gender and LGBTQIA+ Identities in the Academic World

UACES member and EDI Officer Professor Roberta Guerrina, Dr Khursheed Wadia (University of Warwick) and Dr Koen Slootmaeckers (City University London) share their advice and experience on how much progress has been made in the pursuit of gender equality and LGBTQIA+ representation, what the issues are that are still pressing in the area of gender and LGBTQIA+ representation, and how might the pandemic affect issues around gender in academia and LGBTQIA+ representation in academia.


This recording is part of the keynote presentation at the Graduate Forum Online Research Conference 2021 on 'Gender and LGBTQ+ Identities in the Academic World'. Dr Khursheed Wadia (University of Warwick) shares her experience and advice about the following questions:

From your perspective and experience, how much progress has been made in the pursuit of gender equality in academia?
What do you think are the issues that are still pressing in the area of gender in academia and how might these be addressed?
Looking back, what advice (if any) would you give to your doctoral-student and early-career self on the issue of gender and gender equality in academia?
Looking forward, how might the pandemic affect issues around gender in academia (for better or worse)?

Graduate Forum Research Conference: Mentoring Session


The speakers Prof Roberta Guerrina, Dr Benjamin Leruth, Dr Kathryn Simpson, and Prof Simon Usherwood are giving advice for doctoral students seeking a career in academia and to early career researchers looking to continue in academia, sharing experiences of what hiring committees might take into consideration when assessing candidates for a postdoctoral position and how a network of contacts matter for an academic career.

Meet the Graduate Forum Committee


In conversation with Chair Dr Olga Litvyak, JCER Liaison Officer Lisa Claire Whitten and Events Officer Carlos Bravo & Barış Çelik. They introduce themselves, explain their roles and share their experiences of being part of the committee. Upcoming elections for two Events Officers and JCER Liaison Officer will be in November 2021.

EU Twitter Diplomacy explainer by Lewin Schmitt

This video is based on the Graduate Forum Research Conference 2021. Lewin Schmitt created this explainer video to introduce his research on 'EU Twitter Diplomacy: A Text-Mining Analysis'. He took part in the panel 'Foreign policy: EU and the world' at UACES Graduate Forum Research Conference 2021.

In Conversation with Carlos Bravo-Laguna


UACES 2021 Graduate Forum Conference events officer Carlos Bravo-Laguna joins us to talk about his research on the humanitarian response to the 2019 Cyclones Idai and Kenneth.

This recording is based on research presented at the UACES Graduate Forum Research Conference 2021 (17-18 July, online).

A Lost Generation - Again? Marc Steiert about his research

Marc Steiert gives an overview of what his research is about. He has presented 'A lost generation again? Comparing the EU's contribution to sustainable youth work in the last decade' at the Graduate Forum Online Research Conference 2021.

'The BSEC and regional stability in the context of Russia-Turkey-NATO-EU relations' - Neli Kirilova

PhD candidate in International Relations ad Security Studies Neli Kirilova (Corvinus University) presents her research on 'The BSEC and regional stability in the context of Russia-Turkey-NATO-EU relations'.