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UACES Graduate Forum

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Graduate Forum Research Conference 2024 in Amsterdam

Call for Papers


The year 2004 marked a significant juncture in the European Union’s (EU) history, with the largest-ever enlargement to include post-communist countries from Central and Southern Europe. It not only highlighted the EU's stated commitment to promoting regional stability and integration but also raised questions about its broader implications for many applicant countries, the EU itself, and countries wishing to join the EU. The 2004 enlargement was a turning point that shaped the EU's borders, complex nature, future, and role on the global stage. Twenty years on, what do European futures look like?

We welcome proposals from all European Studies disciplines and related fields to foster cross-disciplinary conversation, including (but not limited to) Political Science, Law, Sociology, Economics, History, Gender Studies, Anthropology, International Relations and Public Policy. We hope that this conference will address the topic in various ways and from various perspectives.



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The 2024 Maastricht Debate is the political moment of the spring for European voters.
We put the candidates in line to lead Europe onstage to answer your questions – 
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The talk will be based on the recently published book chapter: Irene Wieczorek and Qianyu Wang, ‘Teaching EU Law Outside the EU: An Explorative Analysis of Eight Case Studies in Asia’ in Maria Stoicheva, S. G. Sreejith, Indranath Gupta (eds), Relevance of European Studies in Asia (Springer 2023). This chapter investigates the state of EU law teaching in Asia. It chooses eight countries/regions as case studies (mainland China, Macau, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, Singapore) based on their capacity to represent different regions in Asia (East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia) and to include both countries/regions with a colonial past with the EU and without.

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The theme of the workshop is ‘Values in EU Law and Policy’. Applications are open to PhDs and ECRs working in law, political science, integration studies, international relations and cognate fields. Travel and accommodation will be funded for successful applicants. The deadline for application is 29 February 2024. The workshop is a good opportunity to present work and get feedback from experienced scholars and to meet colleagues working in similar fields. It will be of great benefit to young scholars and we would encourage as many applications as possible. Further details, including on application can be found below (also attached) and on the Europa Institute website.

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